Field Guide (FAQ)
Here you will find a list of common mistakes that new agents often make while filing paperwork.
If you cannot find the answer you need, you can send an electronic mail to the KGB's HR Department
describing your issue and hope for a timely response.
"I can't find the access password!"​​
Were you so excited to start your investigation that you didn't read the security measures closely enough?
"The password isn't working"​​
Remember, passwords are case sensitive. Is your Caps Lock mistakenly turned on?When in doubt, reload your browser tab and start again.
"I see blank rectangles but nothing is loading."
Try reloading the page via your web browser.
"It looks like video or audio is playing but I can't hear anything."
Ensure that your computer volume is up and not muted. Try using headphones.
- ​"Everything looks hideous"
Try switching internet browsers. This project looks prettiest on Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
"I'm reviewing files and I want to go back to something I saw earlier"
Unfortunately, computers are very new here at the KGB and you cannot travel backwards through our Materials Archive. Proceed forward, you will eventually be able to access the Mainframe and restart your investigation.
"I'm confused and I think I'm doing it wrong."
Don't worry, we here at the Security Offices prefer an air of mystery. If you are clicking green links and exploring images or videos, you're doing it right!
"Help, I can't find any green links!"
Take a deep breathe, Agent! Navigate back to the filing system by pressing Reboot, place your cursor in the middle of the page and scroll down to find the links below.
"I'm lost, how do I get back?"
When in doubt, press Reboot to begin again. Your progress will be saved. If you want to start over completely, close your browser tab and click the initial access link again.
"I submitted my Case Report, now what?"
Congratulations, Agent. You have completed your assignment. If you would like to reopen the case, simply press Reboot to search for more clues.
"To whom should I complain?"
Head to our Department Directory to find the team who created this Computational Processing System.